Friday morning was my normal trip to the oncologist. This has become routine. One week is chemo on Monday, the next week we see the oncologist on Friday…on and on it goes. Each Friday Dr. Saroha reviews blood work, talks with me about how I am doing and gives the green light for chemo the following Monday. This week as I talked about different side effects I was experiencing he decided that it might be a good idea to give me a week off of chemo. So, what was to be chemo round 12 has turned into chemo round 11.5.
The side effects which have caused Dr. Saroha to give me a week off are not significant (albeit uncomfortable). My bowels have not been functioning as they should and I have found it important to always know where the nearest bathroom is. I have purchased stock in Imodium and am researching how one can purchase the stuff by the case. It is a small and inconvenient side effect. Yet if left unchecked could cause greater disruptions to treatments down the road. The thinking is that if I take a week off of treatment and give my body time to gain strength the negative side effects will lessen and I should be good to go for treatment next week.
I am thankful for the extra week off of treatment. However, this change does mess up my treatment schedule when it comes to my plans for Thanksgiving. I will have to miss a treatment or two over the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving. My oncologist does not seem to mind, he even seems to think taking a break can be good. Yet there is something inside me which says, “if this treatment is making/keeping me healthy I do not want to be skipping treatments.”
I am looking forward to completing chemo round 12 and officially heading into “maintenance chemo”.
My energy level has been up the past two weeks. I am not sure why. I do have my theories. I believe it to be because we have dropped the drug Oxaliplatin out of my treatments. I am thankful for the way it has attacked my Cancer…not so thankful for the way it made me feel. After treatment last week I had enough energy to go to the office and work a few hours. I spend over 40 hours in the office (or working) and felt much more like myself. My mind was sharper and I could think much clearer about the issues before me.
The time in my office was effective and productive. I would walk away each day feeling like I had accomplished something. It was a good week.
On Saturday I attacked one of the projects around the home that I knew needed to be addressed and was hanging over my head (literally). Before anyone starts yelling. Yes, there are a number of men at church who would have done this for me. Yes, I could have paid a contractor to attack this project. No, Nancy did not nag me into completing this project. In fact Rayann and I began to work on it when Nancy was away from home. We “had a window” where we could be sure not to get caught. Now don’t get mad at Rayann…she was in a rough spot. As we walked through Lowes I told her we were going to do something at home and she was going to just need to help and keep off her phone and help me.Last fall I had got up on the roof and sealed the flashing around the chimney. While I had done a good job I made a mental note that I would need to return in the spring to check and be sure everything was still in good order. Well, spring brought some changes and I was unable to get up on the roof to check my work.
Saturday was a beautiful fall day. I was feeling good. Nancy was not at home for a few hours. It was like the stars all aligned and the flashing on the chimney was calling my name. Once home from Lowes the ladder went up on the porch and I slowly made my way to the roof. Once on the roof Rayann handed me everything I would need and I ever so slowly made my way to the chimney. I reviewed my work from last fall and found places that needed a little touch up. A few minutes into the job Rayann yelled up, “Mom’s home!” I laughed and said, “Well, this is not going to go well.” My plan had been to complete the project BEFORE she got home and then post some pictures on Facebook to let her know the flashing was in good order. It would have been a classic moment in our family…this was going sideways. Rayann suggested I hide behind the chimney. I laughed and asked, “how are you going to explain the ladder leaning up against the house?”
It did not take long for Nancy to make it to the porch. She just looked up and smiled. One of those dangerous, I will get you later smiles. She asked if I needed her help. I told her I was just about finished and returned to my work. Ten or fifteen minutes later I was done and back down on the deck. Rayann hollered in to Nancy, “Mom, come quick Dad’s back down on the deck.” 🙂
This was the first time since May that I did a project that I would have done without thinking back before May. It took a lot more planning. I moved a lot slower and was much more careful than before. BUT…I did it. I was encouraged and energized. I went from there to the garage and installed a shelf that had needed installed for about three months. Nancy came and helped me with this project. We are a pretty good team. The shelf looks great, serves its purpose well and once again I was back to my normal way of functioning.
Once I cleaned up it was time for a nap. When I woke up my body was sore. My legs and arms were screaming at me…telling me I had put them to work for the first time in months. It was a good feeling. It reminded me of times past when I overworked myself and needed to give myself time to recover.
God is Good All the Time, All the Time God is Good
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