Andrew and Jill with their year old cake
We are in the middle of one of our Companions in Christ groups. These groups are sacred times. We learn how to listen to the still small voice of God in our lives. We learn how to listen to each other. Over the past few years we have had multiple groups. There will be more in the future. Each group has a culture or style all its own based upon who is in the group. People have an opportunity to share as little or as much as they want to.
As we share our joys and struggles it is refreshing to know that while our journeys may be different there are common themes that weave their way through life. It is also exciting to hear how God has consistently met people in their times of need.
These small groups are the picture of community the way Jesus intended it to be. People coming together, sharing their spiritual journey as they look to grow further and deeper in relationship with Abba Father. If I could spend the rest of my life involved with groups like these I would count it time well spent.
Last night was special. Jill and Andrew walked in with cake. Cake is good. This cake was extra special. It was the top off their wedding cake. It was their anniversary and they chose to spend a part of the evening with their Companions in Christ small group. We enjoyed sharing from the lesson and exercises from the past week and then celebrated their anniversary with cake! I can’t remember if it was Jill or Andrew who was concerned about the cake being a year old…but it tasted great. I was honored to perform their ceremony and now I got to share in their anniversary in this special way. God is good. [Read more…]