The service began and we worked our way towards communion. I got up and led us toward the table and prayed over the elements. Once done I took my seat in the front row and waited for the video to start.
Sitting there quietly this is what started to play on the big screen…
Looking over my shoulder I saw Shawn standing in the sound booth with a surprised look on his face. He threw his arms up, smiled and went let the video run.
Following worship I had two or three people come up and say it was one of the most special communion services they ever participated in. God is Good All the Time…All the Time God is Good…even when the wrong video plays.
This is one of my favorite songs. Peter Gabriel is an amazing artist with a deep spiritual spirit. His soundtrack for the Last Temptation of Christ is one of the most powerful and spiritual pieces of music I have ever listened to. The movie, not so hot…the sound track…amazing. Whenever this song comes on the radio or cycles through my I-Pod something sacred happens.
I am not sure what Mr. Gabriel was singing about but as I listen it speaks boldly and clearly about our calling out to God and the way the Spirit meets us and draws us deeper. The video was an exercise of putting images to help communicate what I hear as I listen to his song.
Throughout my forty eight years I have enjoyed listening to pop culture music and finding the themes and threads of the spiritual which weave their way through them. Songs like this reveal the truth that we are all spiritual beings seeking to understand and respond to the Spirit of God alive and well at work in our world.
Great song, one of my favorites. Going with the song thing for a minute here how about a second tattoo that reads “10,000 Reasons ” just throwing it out there…think it over
Not a bad idea at all!