Today was a great day at church. We celebrated the unveiling of “Riding the Wave with God”.
Surfing the Movements of the Spirit
Last November I began thinking about the focus of our congregation for 2018. We adopted an image from Henry Blackaby that helps us think about finding where the Spirit of God is at work and join in to help bring about “Thy Kingdom Come.” Blackaby talks of how a surfer watches for good waves and then rides the wave. Surfers do not splash around to create waves. They ride out into the sea and sit patiently, discerning the good waves from the bad. When they find a wave they like it is game on. Every ounce of energy and focus goes into catching and riding that wave for as long as they can.
If we believe the Spirit of God is alive, well and working in our lives and world then we ought to seek out those places where God is “on the move” like a surfer seeks the perfect wave. When we see God at work it is our call to join in with every ounce of energy we have to offer.
The Surfboard

Thanksgiving 2017 in NC…the journey begins
When I knew this was going to be our focus I wanted to find a surfboard to have around and point to throughout the year. It took some hunting to find one. I finally found one while on vacation in North Carolina last Thanksgiving. Craigslist delivered and I ended up in a parking lot with a man looking to unload a surfboard. When I asked why he was getting rid of it he shared, “I moved to the beach and thought it would be neat to learn how to surf.” I asked how that worked out for him and he replied, “I am meeting you ina grocery store parking lot to sell my board.”
My nieces and I had some fun with the surfboard in Grandma’s backyard and then it made the long trek from North Carolina to Kennett Square, PA. I wanted to strap it to the roof of the car but Rayann was not a fan.
In early 2018 the surfboard made its debut in church. It was an awesome visual aid and helped us think about surfing with the Spirit. [Read more…]