Last fall, Rayann moved to Romania for two years. When people ask how she is doing, I often say she is “Living Her Best Life.”
Rayann was in Jr. High the first time I took her on a trip outside the United States. I wanted her to see that the world was bigger than what we experienced. She fell in love with travel and developing relationships with people from different cultures.
We share that in common. When I could travel safely, I sought out opportunities to leave the comfort of this country at least once each year. There is something about seeing the world through the eyes of a different culture and sharing unique (and yet common) stories of struggle that makes one appreciate our shared humanity. Rayann “caught” that from our shared travels and has taken it to another level.
After graduating college, she lived at home. She enjoyed her job and was good at it. Life was good, yet as her father, I could tell something was missing. Over coffee one day, I asked, “If you could do anything, what would it be?” There was no hesitation. With a big smile on her face, she said, “I would get out of this country and move overseas for a while.”
The words had been spoken, and things moved quickly. In about six months, she boarded the plane to move to Romania to teach at the Cambridge School of Bucharest for two years. We talk via WhatsApp four or five times per week. Her smiles fill the screen each time we talk. She is where she needs to be. I am humbled by the courage and strength it took for her to take a bold step and chase what was most important for her. Kind of makes this father proud.
Her class (4—and 5-year-olds) is filled with great kids, and she works hard to provide them with opportunities for learning and growth. She recently arranged for the class to take a Science Field Trip upstairs to a science lab. The students learned about science and did some of their own experiments. Take a moment and look at the pictures. You can see determination, a sense of adventure, and pure joy on their faces. This is the kind of thing that is “caught” not taught.
If you could do anything you wanted, what would it be? What would it look like for YOU to be living YOUR best life? The first step to moving in that direction is?
To be honest, I wanted to be a pastor. While it is often a challenge, I would not change anything. To love and support people in their journeys is very satisfying. To help people to grow in their faith and walk with Jesus is a great joy. If I could have done anything else, which I did, pastoral ministry is where God wanted me to be. I am grateful for that.