Ready for Adventure
Kevin O’Brien, S.J. begins The Ignatian Adventure with these words:
As we’ve seen, Ignatius of Loyola as a young man left his family home in Spain to embark on an adventure that would transform countless lives, beginning with his own. Traveling across Europe and the Mediterranean, he would learn that the greatest adventures in life were not always geographic. The adventure that God had in store for Ignatius was about traveling the distance between the head and the heart and about inspiring in Ignatius bold, holy desires for God’s greater glory and the service of others.
The Furthest Journey

Bubble Fun at Mushroom Festival Parade
That distance between the head and the heart can often the furthest distance ever traveled. We live in a world where it is easy for many of us to catch a plane and travel halfway around the world at a moments notice. Travel that used to take days, even months, we now do in mere hours. Yet, that distance between the head and heart often remains worlds apart.
We may KNOW what is right, yet BELIVING those same things to the point where we are moved to action is often a different story. It is the difference between knowing something in your head and believing it within your heart.
I may know a truth about who God is. Until I believe it, that knowledge will do little to move me to act. The distance between head and heart is often the furthest journey we ever take in our lives. [Read more…]