Rembrandt’s “Return of the Prodigal” showing his interpretation of the Father’s reconciliation with his son.
It is no secret that many of the relationships in our world today are in desperate need of reconciliation. We have all heard the saying, “there is no such thing as a free lunch.” If reconciliation is to occur there will be a cost…someone will have to pay to make it a reality. Reconciliation costs, but what will it cost, and are we willing to pay?
I have found myself thinking about such things for the past week. A friend of mine was writing about the current turmoil in our world and he used the phrase, “the cost of reconciliation” and God seared that phrase in my mind. I found myself thinking, wrestling with it while I was sitting still, driving to an appointment, or working around the house. It captured my soul and would not let me go.
What is the cost of Reconciliation?
First, in order for Reconciliation to be necessary a wrong has been committed and a relationship has been damaged or severed. We all have experienced this at some point in our lives. Words are spoken, actions taken and suddenly a relationship that was once healthy and life giving lies damaged in desperate need of repair. Too often the parties begin to dig in, hold to their opinions or version of events and what might have been a minor issue becomes a major divide. When we are hurting in the midst of situations like this it is not unusual for us to respond in two ways…
- We shut down, close off and refuse to talk about the issue with anyone…especially the other party. Reconciliation is impossible because communication is blocked.
- Sometimes we are open to reconciliation, but we demand the other party take the first step. We sit in our home, cubicle, classroom (you name it) and boldly declare, “I will reconcile when they come to me and apologize”.
We have all been there. Unfortunately the reality of damaged relationships is part of our human experience. [Read more…]