Do people send you those videos via email that you, “just have to watch”…the ones that will change your life…the ones that if you do not see your life will not quite be complete? What do you do with them? If you are like me you can’t hit the delete button fast enough. If I am not careful I would end up doing nothing but watching “life changing”, “special” videos all day. Well, in a moment of weakness (or boredom) I chose to open one of those videos and boy am I glad I did. It captures the kind of “life to the full” transformation that Jesus talks about in the gospels and shows how we can be a part of bringing it to those who are less fortunate. Now, it is certainly not a complete answer…nor will it solve all of the worlds problems but it did bring some joy into the lives of a small group who were struggling. If we are to live out the gospel message we must care for the widow and orphan, we must have a heart for those in prison and the homeless. This video captures just one example of what it could look like to help raise the spirits of people, even if only for just one night, who are experiencing the harder side of life. It cries to me of the ministry of Jesus. It screams of Jesus welcoming everyone on the same footing no matter what their social or socio-economic standing. It is an example of the gospel lived out today…enjoy…and may you find ways to live out the gospel in bold and beautiful ways!
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