When Joseph and Rayann were young Nancy would get up every Saturday morning and make a special breakfast. She loved to make pancakes. The only problem was that…well…the pancakes did not always turn out the way she wanted. Sometimes they were burned on one side, while other times they were not cooked in the middle.
It was important for her to provide those special breakfasts and so we kept having those special breakfasts even though they were a source of great frustration to her. One mother’s day the kids and I found the perfect gift and gave her “The perfect pancake maker, version 1″…well even that did not help and there were issues.

A plate of “perfect pancakes”
The kids finally asked her to stop making pancakes, and we moved on to other special breakfast meals.
A few years later we came across “The perfect pancake maker, version 2” and got it for Nancy as a gag gift. She had not used it at all and had basically given up on the whole idea of making edible pancakes. Imagine my surprise when I walked into the kitchen to find her hard at work whipping up some pancake batter. Rayann and I gathered in the kitchen to cheer her on and were thrilled to watch the results. It was even better to sit down and enjoy “Perfect Pancakes”.
They tasted great, even though they were gluten free, and it was fun to watch Nancy finally win her battle against the pancakes.