My chemo treatment got off schedule this week due to the Monday holiday.
The nurse came this morning and took my pump off and I am now free from chemo for a week and a half. This round went well, no fever, chills or sickness. I was a lot more tired this round. I slept more on Tuesday than I have in a long time. Wednesday I went to the office and worked for a few hours and got a lot done…but when I got home I spent the evening sleeping and napping. At one point I was sitting in my chair working to hydrate myself with a large cup of water and drifted off to sleep. I woke up to the sound of water pouring out of the glass and onto my lap. I quickly woke up and cleaned up my chair, changed into dry clothes and then went to lay down on the couch for a nap…leaving the hydration to a later time.
My oncologist called yesterday. He finally got the results from comparing my two scans. The problem arose from the fact that I have two accounts at Chester County Hospital. The first time I went into the hospital I was never officially released…according to the hospital. When I returned to the ER a few weeks later I gave my name and the nurse behind the counter said, “Well, you are still a patient here at the hospital.” I suggested that if that was the case I should just skip all the drama of the ER and just go upstairs to the oncology floor. Of course that did not work. Their answer was to create a second account under my name to help get me into the ER and get things moving that night. All of this resulted in the technicians who were supposed to compare my scans not seeing that there was a prior scan to compare to…as my second scan was under a new account. [Read more…]