There was a discussion in my home last night. Can I, can dad, can Dan drive himself to and from treatment? There were two people in my household who were very strong advocates of taking away my freedom and right to drive. The truth is that if they were the ones sharing this story they would say they were strong advocates of caring for me and looking out for my health and well being. In the end I saw the care and compassion in their motives. I allowed Rayann to drive me to treatment this morning. She is a much more confident and capable driver than she was just a few short months ago. I enjoyed sitting in the passenger seat, eating my bagel and watching the world go by.
I was relaxing so much that I almost missed the fact that we were no longer headed toward the oncologists. Rayann has taken me to appointments before. I had just assumed she knew where she was going. When I raised an objection and questioned where we were headed she said, “Well, this is the way to the Vets.” “To the Vets!” “I am on my way to get chemo and you think it is a good idea to bypass my oncologist and take me to Owen’s doctor?”
We both started laughing and she quickly changed course and got me where I needed to be.
Rayann dropped me at the door and was off to enjoy her day while I went in to my appointment. As I was checking in I shared my mornings experience with some of the staff in the office. They got a good laugh and soon it was time for my chemo to begin. A short while later I realized I forgot my sweatshirt. I get cold as they give me chemo. Rayann was kind enough to go get it for me…even though I may be a little “needy” these days. As she came into the office to drop off my sweater the staff encouraged her to bring me here and NOT to the Vets for future appointments! That could not have worked any better if I had planned it.
As Rayann came back into the chemo delivery room she was still laughing. “I can’t believe you told them.” Life may not be easy right now…but you can still find things to celebrate and smile about.
May I always be able to see the good and smile no matter what the future holds.
I began to chuckle, even before I knew the outcome. Keep on smiling. Keep on laughing. We keep on praying for you.