Starting 2017
This is a fine way to be starting 2017.
My 2017 calendar has already been messed up. I am not sure who is responsible. 🙂 Someone arranged for the carpet cleaners to clean our pews today. The daycare and office are supposed to be closed. Whoever is responsible for this scheduling error needs to be a little more careful when setting and scheduling appointments.
I arrived at church early. Who knew people were moving around Kennett at 8am. After a few quick words of introduction he was off to work and I headed to my office.
Church was strangely quiet. No children on their way to daycare yelling down the hall, “Hello Pastor Dan”. Working in this shell of a place was odd.
Reflecting on what was…and what will be
I spent time wrapping up 2016 and looking forward to 2017.
In the midst of my work I prepared a journal to record whatever 2017 has in store for our family. 2016 was filled with surprises and yet we were still able to see God’s faithfulness time and time again. I am eagerly anticipating God’s faithfulness no matter what 2017 holds.
My Journals
My journals are special books. Over time I have added different pieces of writing that help me pursue an ever deepening relationship with Abba Father.
I am going to share some of them here. I share it not because I believe it to be the answer for all people.
Rather, I want to encourage everyone to take some time for reflection as we head into 2017. Before we know it winter will have passed, spring sprung, and summer arrived. Time flies. If we are not intentional with how we live this gift of life that God has given us we will one day look back and say, “if only.” Taking a few moments as we enter a new year to reflect on what is truly important and where we want to head in 2017 is a wise move.
I spent a few minutes and read through my Rule for Life. This Rule for Life has served as the guide for how I have (or have wanted to) move through life these past years. Parts of it speak to reality. Others speak to what I would hope may one day become true about my life. All of it serves to help guide me closer and deeper in relationship with Abba Father. It has served to help keep me centered and focused as I have walked this journey of life.
St. Benedict – humility
A few years ago I was truly moved by the Rule of St. Benedict. The Rule of St. Benedict is extensive and covers most areas of life. Benedict (c. 480 -550 AD) wrote the Rule to serve as a guideline for community life and to foster spiritual growth and maturity. Through the centuries thousands have found wisdom within the Rule. There is one section dealing with humility which I find especially challenging.
In this section Benedict outlines twelve steps to humility. Some of the language may sound foreign. It was originally written for monks living within community. The principles are sound, and challenging. I have included this in my journal because I am often reminded of how easy it is to be anything but humble. I have learned, time and time again that as I decrease He increases. Part of my prayer for 2017 is that I would move through this world with a little more humility and grace…a little more like Jesus.
I hope this encourages you to spend a few moments in reflection as 2017 gets underway. Go to Abba Father and ask, “What do you have for me in this New Year?” “What are you inviting me to pick up…what are you inviting me to lay down as I seek to move closer to you?”
Remember, God is Good All the Time…All the Time God is Good
Sandy Lundquist says
Very wise advice!