Tomorrow will mark three weeks post-surgery. I am ever so slowly starting to feel more like myself. Resting to recover is not a strength of mine.
I have spent the better part of the past two weeks resting. I move from my bed to a chair and watch mind-numbing hours of television. I am increasingly convinced that the downfall of the western world will come through what we are led to believe is “must-see tv.”
Today (Monday, December 2nd) is the first day I have truly felt like doing anything more than simply trying to make it through the day till bedtime. Resting to recover is not a strength of mine.
A big part of my struggle has been the “bug” that I picked up during my last night in the hospital. Throughout the years, I have heard the phrase, “sharing is caring” …but honestly, my roommate could have cared just a little less, and I would have been fine.
Nancy and I received word that my next appointments would come the Monday after Thanksgiving, so we made a quick run to North Carolina for Thanksgiving. I wanted to see Joseph. I also wanted Nancy to have an opportunity to see her family before my treatment began. I know she will not leave me to go visit once I enter treatment. We arrived the Saturday before Thanksgiving.
On the Monday of Thanksgiving week, I got a text and phone message setting up an appointment for the next day in Philadelphia. After a few calls it was determined that I did indeed need to be seen before Thanksgiving. We left late Monday and arrived home Tuesday evening.
While not the trip we planned we did get to see Joseph and spend time with our family down south. The travel was very smooth and I felt well enough to drive part of the way.