Nancy made a cake to celebrate the anniversary
It was four year ago today that I first shared about my cancer diagnosis.
As I wrote about My New Normal in May of 2016 there was no way of imagining the journey that lay ahead.
There are certainly pieces I would like to forget or never have experienced. Yet as a whole the past four years have been filled with joy and wonder.
Time and again I have been reminded that the Spirit gives us exactly what we need, when we need it. I have learned a lot about myself. I am not the same person I was four years ago, and that is an extremely good thing.
My sense of what is truly important is different. I am more focused on what it means to help people encounter God in the midst of their everyday lives. The sense of needing to accomplish, or get tasks completed has diminished. Being is more important than doing.
These past four years have been a gift. All of life is gift!
Thank you for being willing to travel alongside me. Thank you for praying for me and my family. I am excited to see what God has for us in the future.
To read the story of my cancer journey pick up a copy of The Journey Continues.
You can also find it on Amazon.