I am nearing five years of my cancer journey.
As I write these words it sounds incredible, almost impossible.
To be honest there are times when I ask myself why I have been blessed to respond so well to my treatments.
Before you go saying something like, it is because of who you are, or what you do, your connection with God, or your service to others…resist that temptation.
There is little to no truth in those words.
I know of many gracious, generous, humble, kind, deeply spiritual people who have lost their battle with cancer.
The truth is I do not know why I have been blessed to respond to treatment the way I have.
I am constantly aware that if I was living in many other places on our planet, even within this country, I would not be writing these words today.
For some reason, this is the place God has me. For whatever reason, I am responding to treatment. So, we will push on and do the best we can to make the most of every moment God provides me here on this earth. [Read more…]