Aaron, myself, Owen after the show Thursday night
Today was a good day.
Had an early morning doctor appointment to get a shot to help build up my white blood cell count.
Spent some time with a great group who are seeking what it means to be still and listen for the “still small voice of God”.
Had time for a nap.
Then I got to spend the evening with Aaron, Owen, and Patrick Fresolone at the Delaware All State Theater. All three were part of the production of Titanic.
Patrick worked the scenery backstage, which was amazing. Owen played three different characters. Aaron did a fantastic job with some special musical numbers. It was a great show! Nancy, Rayann and I enjoyed the evening.
They have three more shows…I would encourage you to go and check one of them out if you have time.
Friday, June 24th 7:30 pm
Saturday, June 25th 7:30 pm
Sunday, June 26th 2:00 pm