Miss April
Flat Stanley and I made it home late Sunday evening.
Miss April had sent us on our trip together earlier in the week. We had a great time together and are very glad Miss April chose Pastor Dan to help with her first school project. For those of you who do not know Miss April…how could you ever think of saying no to this girl?
Sunday was a great day in upstate NY. Early in the morning we got up and had breakfast with Chip Jeremy. Chip was in youth group seventeen years ago it was fun to see how he has grown and what he is doing today. While we had breakfast we were surprised to have another youth group member (Jessica Hazel) walk into the diner. It was fun to just walk over to her table and sit down and say hello. After she got over the surprise we had a few moments together.
We joined Church of the Redeemer for worship. When Nancy, Joseph and I served there it was known as Memorial Baptist Church. We saw some friendly faces and enjoyed a great time of worship. Worship was simple and pure. A guitar and two vocalists led the congregation into the presence of God. The voices from the pews joined together to create a special time of worship. [Read more…]