Today was a good day. I spent a good part of the day in the office and got a lot of work done. I had lunch with Father Chris Rogers and we talked about the annual Thanksgiving Service. After lunch I made a few phone calls and we are well under way to making that special service a reality again this year. I always enjoy the time I get to spend with Father Rogers. Later in the day I got a few signs. Each sign is significant and had an impact upon my day, I though I would share them with you.

Flat Stanley and I at church
I am now the proud owner of a Handicapped Placard (sign). This is not something I ever thought I would need, or at least I was not planning on having one at age 48. I resisted getting the Handicapped Placard for a long time. Nancy was watching me have a hard time walking around and suggested I get one. I am not sure how I responded to her suggestion. I am sure I had to apologize for some part of my response. There was something about this step that I did not like. It makes sense. There is no need for me to “waste” my limited energy walking from the parking lot. It was the right thing to do but it was not easy to admit that I needed the extra help. [Read more…]