Fighting with a caulk gun had me thinking about how I respond to areas of struggle or shortcomings.
Each time I stepped into the shower reminded me that I was putting off essential home maintenance. The caulk around the shower was old and needed to be replaced. There were a few places I could peel it away with my fingers. This project was past due.
A caulk gun terrifies me. It is one of the things I have failed to master. Drawing a clean, smooth, even caulk line is just beyond my skill set.
When I build the courage to break my caulk gun out, I always grab a roll of paper towels to go along with it.
At one point, I thought my issue had to be that I did not have the right tools. I have purchased multiple caulk guns ranging from simple to complex. Do you want to help me part ways with some of my money? Show me some new gadget designed to help draw a smooth bead of caulk. My shop boasts multiple tools guaranteed to leave your caulk lines neat and even. Unfortunately, I cannot make any of them work. [Read more…]