I often wrestle with the ways that cancer has changed my life, yet it’s often intermingled with gratitude.
One source of gratitude has been the people I have met along this journey.
A few years ago I was introduced to Chris Lawrence and Hope Has Arrived. Chris’ cancer journey began in the spring of 2016, right about the same time as mine. He has an amazing story of recovery and healing, which by themselves are a source of hope and encouragement.
In 2018 Chris launched Hope Has Arrived to help those on a cancer journey find hope, strength, and peace.
Our purpose is to help survivors—and their families—find hope, strength and peace in their fight against cancer. We want them to find medical hope and especially spiritual hope, a type which can never be defeated. Our desire is to empower them to live a life overflowing with hope—not just a trickle, but springing forth like an artesian well from the deepest parts of who they are.
Every now and then Chris asks me to write something for their blog. It is always an honor to offer some words of hope. We all have our struggles. Yours are different than mine. Sometimes we need to stop mourning the loss of dreams from years past to gain the gift of today.
You can find my latest post at Hope Has Arrived here: Losing Dreams, Yet Gaining Today
If you, or someone you know, is struggling with cancer Hope Has Arrived has a fantastic Facebook prayer and support group. This is the perfect place for cancer patients or caregivers to find a community of support and encouragement.