Noonan the Thanksgiving & Christmas Spider
This was a special Thanksgiving. We traveled to North Carolina to spend time with family. It was especially good to catch up with Joseph. Joseph is doing great, learning to balance college, work and other pursuits. Nancy and I had a special dinner with Joseph the other night and it was fun for just the three of us to share a meal together.
Today was filled with family and food. The Parnell Thanksgiving was at 12:30…followed by another meal at 6:00 with the Barbee family.

frying Twinkies
The highlight of the Parnell Thanksgiving was Judy’s centerpiece. Before you ask…no, this is a limited edition creation and is not available for mass production. Noonan the Thanksgiving and Christmas Spider is designed for those who struggle with holiday decorations. You put him out at Halloween and can leave him on display until Christmas. There is no need to change decorations every few weeks October thru December. Rayann and I spent hours shopping and working on getting it ready for the meals today. Judy appreciated our efforts but was not very affirming regarding the outcome. Noonan will end up in my sister in laws fifth grade classroom once Thanksgiving is over. Joy said, “My students will love him!”

Rob & I hard at work with the fryer
Tonight Rob (my brother in law) and I broke out the fryer and explored the finer side of dining. We made our own hush puppies which were amazing. If you do not know what hush puppies are you are missing out on some of the finest fried dough on earth. After the meal we stepped into a whole different world and fried up some Twinkies! It was a great way to end the day.